(BOX "A")
Model: BOX A
We understand your needs to get rid of the insect pests, but want to avoid the harsh toxicity of pesticides. To solve that, We bring you Solutions in a box!
PEST BOX “BOX A” is an optimized water-based Pyrethrin formulation, specially designed to deliver fast knockdown and kill of household garden pests.
“Box A” active Ingredient, Pyrethrum is extracted from flowers of the plant Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium. This natural extract formulation can be safely used around children & pets. The only green botanical pesticides approved to be used around kitchens, food handling, processing and storage areas. Pyrethrum degrades rapidly under sunlight and we can safely re-enter once it dries.
TARGETS: Household Garden pests (Hornet, Ants, Biting midges, Termites, Crickets, Millipedes, Centipedes, Spiders, Aphids, Spiders, Mites, Mealybugs, Scale insects, Leafhopper, White Flies, Caterpillars and many more)
100ml Concentrate contains 5% Pyrethrum A.I.
( Dilute to 4L Sprayer bag)
After Dilution, 0.125% of Pyrethrum per 4L of solution
For use in food handling, processing and storage areas.
For use indoor and outdoor
For use on trees, shrubs, flowers, fruit and vegetable plants
For use in barns, dairies and poultry houses.
Ideal for:
Places where a high level of "SAFETY" is of concern.
Places you are dealing with a pest issue and would rather not use synthetic chemicals and want a more environmentally friendly option.
Pyrethrum is one of the oldest natural insecticides in use in the world today, and it has one of the best safety records of all insecticides. It is a mixture of several esters, called pyrethrins, which are extracted from flowers belonging to the genus Chrysanthemum.
Pyrethrum quickly knocks down and kills pests, attacking the nervous system of insects.
Environmentally Friendly: Pyrethrum quickly breaks down in sunlight, leaving no residues.
Put on nitrile gloves. (Provided)
Put on safety goggles and face masks. (Own)
Fill the application mixing bag with water halfway. Twist open the pesticide concentrate bottle, and carefully pour the content into the application mixing bag.
Rinse the concentrate bottle with water and pour it into the application mixing bag. Fill the application bag up to the 4L mark.
Insert the power sprayer tube into the application mixing bag and tighten it securely.
Shake the bag well to mix the pesticide thoroughly.
Remove the battery tab at the end of the power sprayer.
Your Sprayer is now ready to use.
Surface Spray (Indoors): To kill accessible exposed stage of listed insect pests.
Surface Spray (Outdoors): To kill accessible exposed stage of listed insect pests. Apply liberally to all exposed parts of the plants, underneath the leaves, stems, tuff.
Crack & Crevices treatment: Adjust the spray head to allow a jet stream. Project the jet steam into the Crack & Crevices area. Pay attention to force the spray into all cracks and crevices
Outdoor - To avoid possible harm to honey bees and other beneficial insects, it is advisible to spray when non-target insects are least active (evening time)
Indoors - Any time of the day. Ensure no occupants are in the treatment areas during treatment. Allows the spray to fully dry, ventilate for 2 hours before allowing re-entry.
This product is a contact-kill insecticide and degrades rapidly under sunlight, making it a very safe, versatile product. However, it does not offer long-term protection (residual action).
Frequent spraying is necessary to keep pests in check. While it eliminates most pests during each application, new batches of pests may be reintroduced into the treatment areas (Carried in by pieces of luggage, delivery boxes, soil from shoes).
Remove pets, birds and cover all fish tanks, aquarium before spraying.
This product is highly toxic to bees. Do not apply this product or allows its drift to blooming crops while bees are actively visiting the treatment area.