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(BOX "C")

Model: BOX C

EMIT BOX "C" Synthetic Pyrethroid

In Singapore, our hectic lifestyle often leaves us with not much time for taking care of our house. However, we would still want to protect our house and love ones from invading pests.

We bring you Solutions in a box!

Spray once and it will keep your household free of pests for 3 MONTHS!*(provided area is not washed)

The first application will yield a high insect mortality rate, you can see insect pests drop dead as you spray. Guaranteed to save you time and money!


PEST BOX “BOX C” insecticide concentrate contains not 1 but 2 active ingredients, Cyfluthrin & Imiprothrin. Imiprothrin delivers quick knockdown, while Cyfluthrin provides long time residual protection of household crawling pests.

An effective general-purpose spray for both indoor and outdoor applications, including trees, lawns, shrubs, etc. effectively controls over 100 different types of indoor, outdoor, turf, and ornamental insect pest

It features a low odor, non-staining formula with quick knockdown and a long residual life.


TARGETS: General household crawling pests


100ml Concentrate contains 2.5% Cyfluthrin & 5.0% Imiprothrin A.I.
( Dilute to 4L Sprayer bag)
After Dilution, 0.0625% of Cyfluthrin & 0.125% Imiprothrin per 4L of solution



  • CONTROLS: Ants, Bees, Boxelder Bugs, Cadelles, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Clover Mites, Crickets, Darkling Beetles, Dermestids, Drugstore Beetles, Earwigs, Elm-leaf Beetles, Fire Ants, Firebrats, Flour Beetles, Grain Weevils, Hide Beetles, Hornets, Indian Meal Moths, Larder Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers, Lesser Mealworms, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Merchant Grain Beetles, Mealworms, Millipedes, Rice Weevils, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders, Springtails, Termites, Ticks, Yellow Jackets, Warehouse Moths, Wasps, Wood Wasps, Wood Infesting Borers and Beetles.

Ideal for:

  • Places where a high level of "Long Lasting" residual protection is required.

  • Protection against wood boring insects.

  • Perimeter Treatment

  • Kitchen (After application in kitchens, wash all equipment, benches, shelving and other surfaces which food will contact. Clean food handling or processing equipment and thoroughly rinse with clean, fresh water)

Not For:

  • Direct spraying to food products.

  • Direct spraying to pets and animals.

Cyfluthrin acts as a stomach poison and through contact with the insect. Eventually, the insect is paralyzed or starves. It is less toxic to people and mammals because they break it down faster than insects.

Imiprothrin is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide that causes paralysis in insects. It has low acute toxicity to humans through the inhalation and dermal routes.



  • Put on nitrile gloves. (Provided)

  • Put on safety goggles and face masks. (Own)

  • Fill the application mixing bag with water halfway. Twist open the pesticide concentrate bottle, and carefully pour the content into the application mixing bag.

  • Rinse the concentrate bottle with water and pour it into the application mixing bag. Fill the application bag up to the 4L mark.

  • Insert the power sprayer tube into the application mixing bag and tighten it securely.

  • Shake the bag well to mix the pesticide thoroughly.

  • Remove the battery tab at the end of the power sprayer.

  • Your Sprayer is now ready to use.



  • INDOORS as a crack and crevice treatments around floors, window sills, doorways, wall voids around plumbing, under sinks, bed frames, empty dressers, furniture, carpet edges, and other areas where targeted insects hide.

  • OUTDOORS use as a perimeter treatment, porches, garages, horse barns, empty chicken coops, lawns, landscaping, weep holes on homes or commercial buildings, soffits, wooden fences, holes in trees.



The re-entry time of the product is 2 hours after spraying.



As it is an extremely effective pesticide, it cannot distinguish between beneficial insects and insect pests. It will kill all insects on contact. Thus do not spray on areas frequent by honey bees as honey bees are pollinators and are beneficial insects.


  • Remove pets, birds and cover all fish tanks, aquarium before spraying.

  • This product is highly toxic to bees. Do not apply this product or allows its drift to blooming crops while bees are actively visiting the treatment area.



CAUTION: Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Do not apply to humans, their clothing or bedding. Do not allow children or pets to contact treated surfaces until the spray has dried (2 HOURS). Do not contaminate food or use on household pets. Cover fish tanks before application. Do not apply this product in patient rooms while occupied or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm.


Do not apply to classrooms when in use. Avoid contamination of food, feedstuffs, or water supply. Do not contaminate food preparation surfaces, kitchen utensils, dishes, or feed storage containers. Any food/feed contact surfaces and cooking utensils in the treatment area should be covered during treatment or thoroughly cleaned before using. Do not spray where electrical short circuits might result, such as wall outlets, conduits, etc.



IF SWALLOWED: Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have the person sip a glass of water if able to do swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist.

IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment.

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